
⚡️ 導入

Automated setup

  • Verify the sha256 checksum for file: lib/sh/install.sh
  • If required append -b <tag> or -b <branch> e.g:
sh -c "$(curl -fsSL get.zshell.dev)" -- -i skip -b main

Install and include minimal configuration to the .zshrc:

sh -c "$(curl -fsSL get.zshell.dev)" --

Manual Setup


Set up the install location and create a directory:

typeset -Ag ZI
typeset -gx ZI[HOME_DIR]="${HOME}/.zi"
typeset -gx ZI[BIN_DIR]="${HOME}/.zi/bin"
command mkdir -p "$ZI[BIN_DIR]"

For security reasons run function compaudit to check if the completion system would use files owned by root or by the current user, or files in directories that are world or group-writable.

If failed, then set the current user as the owner of directories, then remove group/others write permissions, and clone the repository:

compaudit | xargs chown -R "$(whoami)" "$ZI[HOME_DIR]"
compaudit | xargs chmod -R go-w "$ZI[HOME_DIR]"
command git clone https://github.com/z-shell/zi.git "$ZI[BIN_DIR]"


To enable Zi, source the zi.zsh from the previously set up directory placing the following snippet in the .zshrc file:

typeset -A ZI
source "${ZI[BIN_DIR]}/zi.zsh"


Enable Zi completions by placing the following snippet in the .zshrc file:


The snippet below must be placed after after enabling Zi.

autoload -Uz _zi
(( ${+_comps} )) && _comps[zi]=_zi


After a fresh install, it is recommended to reload the shell and recompile Zi with:

  • exec zsh -il
  • zi self-update

Run zi -h for available commands or explore wiki to extend, customize and create 👍 🎉.

If you have any issue or need help 🤦‍♂️, lets discuss it or open an issue on GitHub.

It helps us to improve and make Zi better. Don't forget to help the project: share, contribute, or translate 🌐 🥰 🤓.

Let's glue a toolchain that works for us 🚀.

Have ideas?

 Suggest or request at playground

sh -c "$(curl -fsSL get.zshell.dev)" -- -a ???

 Need warm-up?

 Docker Alpine

docker run --rm -it ghcr.io/z-shell/zd:latest

Turbo Zi in Docker

If you create a Docker image that uses Zi, install Turbo-loaded plugins before the shell starts interactively, with the @zi-scheduler function in such a way, that it:

  • Install plugins without waiting for the prompt (i.e. it's script friendly).
  • Install all plugins instantly, without respecting the wait argument.

To accomplish this, use burst argument and call the @zi-scheduler function:

RUN zsh -i -c -- '@zi-scheduler burst || true'

Zi Module: zpmod

The module transparently and automatically compiles sourced scripts and lists of all sourced files with the time the sourcing took in milliseconds on the left.

- ⚙️ Wiki: zpmod

Status page


GitHub RAWhttps://raw.githubusercontent.com/z-shell/zi-src/main/lib/sh/install.sh


GitHub RAWhttps://raw.githubusercontent.com/z-shell/zi-src/main/lib/zsh/init.zsh