
🌀 Patch DL



zi ice dl'{URL} [-> {optional-output-file-name}]; …'


zi ice patch'{file-name-with-the-patch-to-apply}; …'

The annex will download the given {URL} under the path {optional-output-file-name} (if no file name given, then it is taken from last segment of the URL) in case of the dl'…' ice-modifier, and apply a patch given by the {file-name-with-the-patch-to-apply} in case of the patch'…' ice-modifier. この機能を利用して、パッチのダウンロードや適用を行うことができます。

For example, to install fbterm, two patches are being needed, one to fix the operation, the other one to fix the build:

zi ice as"command" pick"$ZPFX/bin/fbterm" \
dl"https://bugs.archlinux.org/task/46860?getfile=13513 -> ins.patch" \
dl"https://aur.archlinux.org/cgit/aur.git/plain/0001-Fix-build-with-gcc-6.patch?h=fbterm-git" \
patch"ins.patch; 0001-Fix-build-with-gcc-6.patch" \
atclone"./configure --prefix=$ZPFX" \
atpull"%atclone" make"install" reset
zi load izmntuk/fbterm


Install patch-dl

Add the following snippet in the .zshrc file:

zi light z-shell/z-a-patch-dl

This will register the dl'…' and patch'…' ice-modifiers.