
📦 概要


  1. Ziは柔軟で機能豊富なプラグインマネージャーですが、ユーザーはその設定に圧倒されることが多いようです。

  2. パッケージマネージャーに似た次のような機能が複数あります。

    • プラグインのGitリポジトリまたはパッケージのリリースURLを指定できます。
    • get the list of the recommended ice-modifiers for the plugin,
      • there can be multiple lists of ice-modifiers,
      • ice修飾子リストはプロファイルに保存されます。デフォルトでは少なくとも 1 つのプロファイルがあります。
      • the ice-modifiers can be selectively overridden.
    • バイナリに対していわゆるシム(転送スクリプト)を自動的に提供します。
    • extend $PATH to expose the binaries,
    • it can run Makefile and more.
  3. 一般に、Ziには驚くようなことを可能にするフックがたくさんありますが、その内容は徐々に良いものに進化していくことが多く、現在のバージョンをすべて把握することは困難です。


The bin-gem-node annex is recommended, otherwise, some packages will fail to install due to missing functionality.

The any-gem and any-node packages

これらは、新しく作成されたプラグインディレクトリに、任意のGem(複数可)やNodeモジュール(複数可)をローカルインストールすることを可能にします。 例:

zi pack param='GEM -> rails' for any-gem
zi pack param='MOD -> doctoc' for any-node

If the installation is used in the .zshrc file then use id-as'…', then Zi knows that the package is already installed.


Zi の構文では、以下の例のように Unicode 矢印を使用することができます。

zi id-as=jekyll pack param='GEM → jekyll' for any-gem

バイナリは shims 経由で PATH を変更することなく公開されます。 Shims are correctly removed when deleting a plugin with zi delete … The so-called packages are GitHub repositories holding a package.json file with the meta-data in them. This way you don't have to (but still can) specify ice-modifiers, which might be handy when the ice-modifiers list is long and complex.


This way, instead of the following command used to install fzf:

zi lucid as=program pick="$ZPFX/bin/(fzf|fzf-tmux)" \
atclone="cp shell/completion.zsh _fzf_completion; \
cp bin/(fzf|fzf-tmux) $ZPFX/bin" \
make="PREFIX=$ZPFX install" for \


zi pack for fzf

to get the complete setup of the fuzzy finder, including:

  • the completion
  • the additional executable script fzf-tmux

The installation is like with package-manager because you don't need to invoke Zi anymore once installed to use fzf (that's because fzf is just a binary program and not e.g.: a shell function). You can also update the package with zi update fzf – it'll cause the project to refresh and rebuild, like with a "normal" package manager such as apt-get. However, it'll be more like to emerge from Gentoo, because the installation will be from the source… unless… the user will pick up a binary installation by profile argument specified in the pack'…' ice.



  1. Pro: The Zi packages typically use the URLs to the official and latest distributions of the software (e.g.: the ecs-cli package, which uses the URL: https://amazon-ecs-cli.s3.amazonaws.com/ecs-cli-linux-amd64-latest when installing on Linux).

  2. Pro: You can influence the installation easily by specifying Zi ice-modifiers, e.g.:

    zi pack=bgn atclone="cp fzy.1 $ZI[MAN_DIR]/man1" for fzy

    to install also the man page for the fzy fuzzy finder (this omission in the package will be fixed soon).

  3. Pro: The installation is much more flexible than a normal package manager. 使用可能な自由度の例:

    • to install from Git or release-tarball, or a binary-release file,
    • to install via shims or via extending $PATH, or by copying to $ZPFX/bin,
    • to download files and apply patches to the source by using the patch-dl annex features.
  4. Pro: The installations are located in the user home directory, which doesn't require root access. Also, for Gems and Node modules, they are installed in their plugin directory, which can have advantages (e.g.: isolation allowing e.g: easy removal by rm -rf …).

  5. Con: You're somewhat "on your own", with no support from any package maintainer.

Thus, summing up 1. with 4., it might be nice/convenient too, for example, have the latest ECS CLI binary installed in the home directory, without using root access and always the latest, and – summing up with 2. and 3. – to, for example, have always the latest README downloaded by additional ice: dl'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/aws/amazon-ecs-cli/master/README.md' (and then to have the README converted into a man page by the remark Markdown processor or other via an atclone'' ice, as the tool doesn't have any official man page).


  1. Contact the author to have the repository at the Z-Shell organization or set the ZI[PKG_OWNER].

  2. Populate the package.json – I suggest grabbing the one for fzf or doctoc and doing a few substitutions like doctocyour-project and then simply filling the default profile in the zi-ices object – it is same as passing ice-modifiers to zi ice … but in JSON.

  3. The project name in the package.json should start with zsh-. Zi で指定する場合、このプレフィックスはスキップされます。

  4. コミットしてプッシュする。